



Message Board




Jack & Bobby


 Welcome to lmbdesign!

Projects and other pages are listed to the left.

Lingo -  This is a simple version of the word game.  You are presented with the first letter of a five letter word.  You have five tries to guess the correct word.  If a letter appears after your guess, it is in the word but in the wrong position.  If a capital letter appears, you've guessed a letter in the correct position.

Message Board -  This is a basic message board.  After logging in, you are presented with a choice of user types.  Since you are the message board owner, you can choose to moderate the board by selecting which messages are approved to be posted on the forum and which are rejected.  You can also revoke and restore user posting privileges.  In addition, you can log in as a regular user to view messages in a thread or post new ones.

Store -  You can purchase vintage video games in this faux online store.

Vaporware  -  Designed with pure HTML, you can read an account of my trip to Area 51 and Roswell.

Java  -  Here you'll find several Java programs including a fun client/server version of the game blackjack and an elevator simulator.

Jack & Bobby  -  An attempt at saving a television show.

More to come soon!

copyright © 2006 lmbdesign